Tilly And The Book Wanderers

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Read Rewiew - Tilly and the Book Wanderers

Tilly and the book wanderers  

Tilly and the book wanders are based upon a girl named tilly who, during her Easter break starts seeing her favourite book characters in real life! Tilly and Oscar are set through a journey in and out of books, as well as slowly uncovering the truth about her mother and who her father really was! This book is an action-filled and brimming with mysteries just waiting to be solved! The perfect book to read on a rainy day with some hot chocolate. I think Anna James has written this book with such astounding imagination, that each page asks the question of what will happen next?  

Pages and co are about an eleven-year-old girl, Tilly, who loves reading books at her grandparent’s boo shop, pages and co. Reading is her only distraction from her mother’s disappearance when she was just a baby. But what happens when she starts getting visited by her favourite book characters?

 Such as Alice from wonderland or Anne from green gables? Read as the story unfolds about the mysteries lying in her past waiting to be discovered, or the key to why these sudden experiences are in her present and what lies ahead in the future… 

This story is centred around tilly as the main character however, she is accompanied by her soon to be best friend, Oscar. Oscar as a character is quite unique, he’s the first-person tilly tells about her seeing book characters. After jumping a few hurdles, the pair go on a thrilling expedition t0 discover the truth in every chapter. 

Oscar is a shy boy at first, but then you see the real him and when you do the next thing you’re doing is jumping off a gangplank together! Oscar loves drawing except he can be a little reluctant to show you his illustrations. This boy doesn’t get enough lines in the book and I’m just waiting to find out more about him in the next book in the series, tilly and the lost fairy tales

Of course, credit must be given to Anna James herself for creating the delightful book enthusiast. She has not only created a book lover but portrayed the characteristics of one beautifully. One-touch I love about this book is the fact that is was written in London one of the rainiest cities in the world, the perfect weather to read a book.

 One of the ley settings for this story includes the great British library which is the best pages for a story adventure to take place if you ask me! tilly herself is a great bringer of adventure, who has bold determination and is willing to dive in and take the risk to find out the truth about her mother’s disappearance along with the help of her grandparents. 

Overall, this book is the perfect utopia for anybody who wants to dive into a book (literally). I give this book five shining gold stars. 

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