Unlocking The Spell

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Unlocking the Spell by E.D Baker is the second book in the Wide-Awake Princess series. In this story, Annie with the help of Liam, Gwendolyn, and Beldegard must venture to find the dwarf who cursed undo the bear curse on beldegard. Now that Annie has helped her sister (AKA sleeping beauty) wake up from a 100-year-old curse by finding her prince charming, you would think things are back to normal right? Think Again!  That prince Beldegard is stuck in the body of a bear and the only way she can rid herself of the two irritating love birds is to break the curse. Luckily Annie has assistance from her own prince, Liam.  


This is the second book in the wide-awake princess series where princess Annie has woken up her sister (aka sleeping beauty) by finding her true love, the cursed-into-a-bear prince Beldegard. But the only drawback is the two irritating lovebirds is to find the dwarf and break his curse. 

But this is most definitely not an easy job especially when you have to keep certain bears out of sight and certain older sisters to stop cribbing all the way there. Luckily Annie has the help of dashing prince Liam and two go off on a twisted adventure like always.

 Could this adventure drive the two sisters even further apart or sow them back together?  This winding adventure will take then through winding paths encountering famous fairy tales and being more excited than ever. 


I could not have been more satisfied with the second book; I had originally started reading the third book in the series first and gradually started from the beginning. There was so much change in the behavior of Gwendolyn that I thought there must be 2 more books until I reach the one, I had originally started with! Gwennie goes through so much character development that you feel so happy for AnnieAlthough the sisters don’t spend one on one time, they do bond their own way. This book includes the following genres: Romance, adventure, and twisted fairy tales.  

“Gwendolyn rubbed the corner of the cape with her fingers and began to pout. “I don’t like it. It’s old and it’s not pink.” 

 “I know!” Annie said. “I think it’s perfect!” 


It is almost comedic watching these two sisters’ bicker over the smallest thing especially since they have such conflicting opinions. Annie stands for challenging gender and rank boundaries, and the fact that love takes time and not a simple kiss. Whereas her sister stands for grace and elegance, and the fact of love at first sight. They may have their differences but that makes their relationship all the funnier and more inspiring at the same time.  

E.D Baker is an American children’s author. She is best known for her first book, The Frog Princess, which was published in 2002. E.D. Baker has written 25 books to date and has no plans to quit writing anytime soon. Currently, she lives on a small farm in Maryland where she and her family breed Appaloosa horses. They also have dogs, cats, and goats. She is an author who specializes in diving deeper into the fairy tale universe, revealing the hidden sequels siblings and adventure of our favorite Disney princesses. 

So overall I give The Wide Awake Princess: Unlocking the Spell a 5 out of five! 

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