The London Eye Mystery

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the London Eye Mystery

Book Review- The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dawd

The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd is about Ted and Kat whose cousin comes to visit, however on an unexpected visit to the London Eye, he Disappears. Monday, 24 May, 11.32 a.m., Ted and Kat watch their cousin, Salim, board the London Eye. Monday, 24 May, 12.02 p.m. Kat and Ted watch the pod return, with no sign of their cousin. How could Salim just have disappeared in the middle of the air inside a small pod? It’s now up to Ted and Kat, temporary sleuthing partners, to solve the case which has left the police themselves stumped Despite their constant sibling bickering they follow a trail of clues throughout London and come closer and closer to the truth. It ultimately comes down to Ted, whose mind runs on a different operating system, to find the key to the mystery 


Ted and Kat get a surprise visit by their cousin, Salim and their aunt Gloria. So, for a day of sightseeing, they decide to buy tickets for the London Eye (a giant Ferris wheel located in England) but decide to abort the plan when they get a glimpse at the long queues. They later unexpectedly run into a stranger who willingly gives them his ticket saying that he is claustrophobic. With only one ticket they decide to give it to Salim. They watch him board the enclosed pod as it rose up into the air. However, when they landed Salim was nowhere to be seen… 

After coming home and explaining the situation, the two look through Salim camera images to help dig out some clues. After sharpening the images, they are set off on a trail of clues which somehow don’t add up together. Now it’s up to Ted and his unique function mechanism to figure it out and help solve the London Eye mystery.  


The London Eye Mystery is such an amazing book. I read this book before leaving primary school and it was already on my favourite book list. I am a fan of mystery novels, and by the last few chapters, I can usually guess what the final conclusion is, however, this book truly surprised me. 

Although the writing style isn’t that complex the main plot is nothing short of perfect, it includes a wide range of characters with different personalities, being diverse. It also has Ted, the main protagonist, who is autistic which adds so much to the book! The ending is also very surprising as no one would expect it.

 I personally feel that London is the perfect place to set a mystery novel because it is a mixture of historic buildings and modern attractions, a perfect setting for crime! The plot of this book leads you down one trail and ends up at another.  

“Knowledge can be like the skin on the surface of the water in a pond, or it can go all the way down to the mud. It can be the tiny tip of the iceberg or the whole hundred per cent.” 

One of my favourite aspects of the storyline is the way Siobhan Dawd has not only included an autistic person to be the main character who uses his ability to his advantage, but she has also quite simply and plainly described his condition like how Ted has a “unique operating system”.

 The age group for this book is between 10 and 15. This book is a murder mystery and fiction book for young adults and children.  

Siobhan Dowd was an Irish originating author who was brought up in London by Irish parents. She graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Classic at Margaret Hall. She had written two books, The Guggenheim Mystery and The London Eye Mystery who won several awards. During her time spent in New York, she was commended by Irish-American magazine; she was named “top 100 Irish-Americans.” 

In May 2007 she was announced one of the “25 authors of the future by Waterstones. Siobhan died on 21st August 2007 aged 47 from Breast cancer, which she was being treated for 3 years.  

In conclusion, The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd is a five-star book which should be applauded for its thrilling plot and the suspenseful mystery within! 


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