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Artist WorkRoom

My Passions and Activities

Aanya's Art Work

Indoors or outdoors, I love to explore different activities. I enjoy arts & crafts a lot, which not only keeps my passion for creativity alive and burning but also gives me a whole new world to explore. 

I share these with the passion, that it will inspire and motivate you all to re-discover the artist within.  Hope you would like these.

FaceMask Covid Art

With COVID – 19 around, it is important to be safe. It’s not easy wearing a face mask the whole day. I salute all our NHS heroes who are working day & night. Here is a little face mask art, to cheer up my mom and uncle who work with the NHS. 

If you think you can also come up with something similar or a way to thank them, then don’t wait, let your creativity and support show through your work, they deserve it all. 

Beauty and the Beast Poster created by me

A classic fairy tale book for primary school kids, if you have enjoyed the movie, try reading the book! 

Bella, a lovely maid, transforms a beast into a human by her beauty, which lies in simplicity and innocence. 

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hand made beauty and beast

Some of my paintings

Aanya Pastel Painting 3
Aanya Pastal Painting 2
Aanya Pastel Painting1
Aanya's Craft

In pandemic lock-down, its good to be staying at home, and staying alert! so I like to keep updated on my social media, in which I recently found out about the toilet paper challenge! 

Get as creative as you can to make the best out of toilet paper rolls! I made a simple owl but really the possibilities are endless, you can go with wherever your creativity takes you!

Here’s a picture of my owl but I would love to see what you can come up with!

A view through my Phone Cam

Nature offers us the most beautiful scenes. In this busy world, take a minute to just soak in the beauty around, no matter where you are, pause a minute to capture these lovely moments, and trust me it would all be worth the effort!

Whether its full moon or a crescent, it has its own beauty and is worth appreciating and capturing it. Give it a try you would be amazed. 

On my way back, it was raining, everything looked heavenly, and I just could not stop myself from capturing this picturesque “Rain Rain” pic! 

“Everybody wants happiness no one wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow, without a little rain.”

Wow! I even captured a double rainbow once. I just love rainbows…

On a sunny day in our backyard with a lovely book, cool breeze, twitting birds, with pretty flowers and greenery around you, it was worth capturing this wonderful moment. 

Soap Carvng

Though it appears to be tough it’s fun giving this soap carving a try. Wouldn’t you like a bar of soap with your initials?

Patience was key during this activity, and it kept me occupied for a couple of hours.

Soap Carving
Waffles at home


Baking is one of the most therapeutic forms of art which I enjoy.  From cakes to cookies, cup-cakes to pan-cakes, they are all my favourites.

Warm waffles with ice cream are my go-to on a cloudy day. They are easy to make and don’t need a lot of effort going in.

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Read Book Review – Click here

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I made this box for an art assignment in school where you had to portray a book inside a box and i chose shadows of Winterspell because it is just packed with inspiration. 

on the exterior i filled the white sheets of paper with old newspapers i had lying around and the gradient i used poster pains blended with a sponge brush. for the inside i just put in my favourite scene while reading the book.

Shadows of Winterspell Art Work with light

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